
Monday - Friday.
From 9.00am to 5pm (Lunch 1pm-2pm)

Mr.Lingam : 04-6595611/012-486 2552
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* Penang's Police Chief announced on 17th May 2010 -
'Crime rate at Island Glades has gone down to almost 0% in past 5 months'.

* Installed SPEED BREAKERS on the following roads:
- Jalan Gangsa / Jalan Besi junction
- Jalan Gangsa / lintang Gangsa junction
- Jalan Besi / Jalan Tembaga

* PAVEMENT built along Lorong Delima 6 and Jalan Delima junction.

* Additional Street Lights.
- Lorong Delima 3, 5 & 6

* AID for SINGLE MOTHERS at Kampong Sungai Gelugor.''
- Donated Rice 10kg, Milo 2kg, Oil 2kg and Sugar 2kg for
about 55 single mothers at Kampung Sungai Gelugor.

* Donated 30 concrete garden chairs to all the playgrounds.
- Jalan delima playground
- Lintang delima 1 playground
- Lorong delima 9 playground
- Lorong delima 2 housing area
- Block A appartment area
- Lorong delima 3 housing area
- Jalan Gangsa walking track.

* FREE PARKING on Sundays and public holidays in Island Glades.

* The roads in Island Glades and Taman Tun Sardon were RESURFACED.

* The STREET LIGHTS from Island Park to Island Glades were checked and ensure all lights are working condition.

* Trimmed TREES by roadside.

* The longest motorcycle park in Island Glades service road was scrapped since 14/5 4.00pm.

* Resolved the predicament facing the fishermen in the Sg. Gelugor village.
Fishermen have been assured of being relocated to the river mouth in Sg.Gelugor (in the vicinity) and the delayed compensation to be paid immediately.

* Road signboard replaced.

* Crime prevention patrols every night.

* BUILT HUMPS on the following roads;
- Jalan Besi / Jalan Gangsa Junction
- Jalan Besi / Jalan Tembaga
- Jalan Tingkat Pemancar

* REDUCED TRAFFIC JAMS by changing traffic flow near the coffee shops,
Lorong Delima Tiga, Lorong Delima 5, Lorong Delima 7 and Lorong Delima 6 into "One Way Streets''.

* Improved infrastructure near Taman Tun Sardon Apartments.

* Upgraded all the 6 PLAYGROUND in Seri Delima.

1.0 Playground with RT pondok.(Island Glades)

1.1 REFURBISHED the walking path with concrete slabs.

1.2 REBUILT the fencing in between the football field and the netball court.

1.3 REPAIR the drain. TRIM trees in vicinity.

1.4 THOROUGH CLEANING for the reflexology track.

1.5 REPLACE and REFURBISH the basket ball court.

2.0 Playground where the old ladies do Tai-chi (Lorong Delima 9)

2.1 RESURFACE the main court.

3.0 Playground at Lintang Delima 10

3.1 CHANGE the swings.

3.2 RESURFACE the main court.

4.0 Solok Tembaga tiga (Small Playground)

4.1 INSTALL swings.

4.2 CHANGE the children merry-go-round.

5.0 Jln Gangsa Playground

5.1 REPAIR the swings.

5.2 ERECT a drain at side of the field.

5.3 ENSURE SAFETY for patrons dumping earth at the playground.

5.4 ENSURE SAFETY for children by covering the BIG drain.

5.5 REPAIR the merry-go-round.

6.0 Japanese Garden

6.1 REPAIR CRACKS at main court.

6.2 EARTHWORKS for pot-holes at the garden.

6.3 REPLACE the basket ball ring.

6.4 REPAIR the swings.

6.5 REPLACE wooden-plates at bridge and PAINT wooden bridge.

6.6 Car Park Conversion.


Unknown said...

I guess you are aware of the container pondok erected by the side of Jalan Gangsa. The banner in front says that it houses the "Pasukan Pencegah Jenayah". In actual fact, it has become a house to some one, complete with kitchen and even drying area for his clothes. To make his living, I think he "rents" out the covered extension to three hawkers and he sells drinks. The small stream below has become the dumping ground for his rubbish. It has definitely spoiled the beauty and serenity of the walking track. Please do something about it. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Apparently, the complain has fallen on deaf ears. There is not even an aknowledgement after a lapse of three (3) days. As I guess, all these websites are just for show and we can hardly expect anything tangible out of it.

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